Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Everyone Is The Same

I don’t see anything wrong with two people getting married because of the same sex. Its nobodies fault that someone is gay, they can’t control their feeling. Denying people the right to get marry with the person they love because they’re the same sex is unconstitutional. People that are against same sex marriage argue that the constitution says that marriage is only between a man and a women. The constitutional doesn't say anything specific about same sex marriage.
The constitution does say that every U.S. citizen has equal rights and also in 1967 the Supreme Court recognized freedom to marry was the pursuit of happiness. The 14 amendment makes it clear on saying, no state can deny the life, liberty or property of a person without a process of a law.
People argue a lot that being gay is wrong in God’s eyes, who are they to know? God loves every one, he create every one differently and I disagree so much with people who think this way. Why involve God in to something like this? It just doesn't seem right at all. You are who you are, people are born gay and I know because one of my family members is Gay and it wasn't his fault. He was born with a nice family, he didn’t have same sex parents, he had a mom and a dad.
Denying the right to get married with the same type of sex is hurting our community, this needs to stop. This is making our country suffer by splitting up and making other people feel bad and not welcome by others. Having them be afraid of showing who they really are and taking away their rights. Gay marriage is unconstitutional and it needs to stop now.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Dana argues in "Who Gets To Decide?" how men are deciding what is consider better for women's reproductive rights, which is so wrong! Dana makes an awesome argument and gives great point on what she is talking about and I totally agree with her. Women should be part of that decision not men. I am a women who doesn't want a men to decide over what to do to my body. Who are they to know what I feel and what is the best for me and the reasons of why am I doing this to my body? How are men going to vote over a women's right, it doesn't make sense. She also talks about how some republicans give speeches about the issue and are so ignorant in what they say, men like this shouldn't get involve.

Dana is right about talking about how many women get raped in today's society and end up pregnant, We have no right to force them to give birth. I agree with Dana that abortion is not one great decision, and why they want to ban it. But the wrong people are making the decisions. This is a great argument and I agree with her 100%. 
The end of her argument is great and she backs up everything she says with links and great examples. She its well organized, I believe she did a great job and I feel the same way she does.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Education Equals Money

What are we going to do if the interest rate on students loans keep raising up? I disagree with what the Government is doing and I believe many other students do to. On July 1 they double up to 6.8 percent, as well at last year, what is the Government thinking? Is this going to happen every year?
Of course the interest rate increases won't stop students from taking out students loans because we obviously need the money, but it could strain students more after graduation when they have a more difficult time paying off loans with higher interest rate. As a student I don't want this to affect me after college, I don't want to be in a big debt while I am barely trying to start my career. There is more debt from students loans then credit cards and auto debts. Shocking right?
Also did you know Federal Government make a profit on our students loans? They make 36 cents on every student loan dollar it puts out. It might seem like nothing, but just think about all the loans us students get, trust me those 36 cents add up to so much money. This is not fair, federal Government shouldn't profit from our own education.  The loans should be use to make education affordable, not profit from them. The Government making money from our education doesn't seem fair at all. The cost of college is rising up and it discourage people from going, we don't want that. We want people to go to college with out worrying about having a debt after they finish school.
A college education is always an expensive proposition. Especially if you have to borrow money to make it a reality and everyone agrees that is important, so the Government needs to do something about the interest rate on students loans, it needs to stop raising up. Government needs to make a better plan in student loans and stop taking money away from us. America needs educated people, lets stop scaring people away from trying to go to college. Lets help them out instead. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Educating Latinos

The Latino population is growing each year more and more. I agree with Julio Castillo in his blog, and also I agree that we Latinos are trying to get a better education. His argument is about how the Latino population is going to become the largest population in Texas in the future, but how it is also debated whether we are actually going to be able to handle the economy or not because we are not well educated. He proves that this argument is wrong by discussing how the community is coming together to help one another for a better education for the Latinos. One of the strategies they use was mentoring projects. For examples the one the use in the University Of Texas, MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success) It shows how Latinos students got helped from a college talent search program to get enrolled in college and get financial aid. They even got scholarships too. One of the Latinos students they helped was named Jacob Campos who was involve in the mentoring projects and was actually a mentor. He help other Latinos students achieve they dream of getting good grades and be able to attend to college. He actually help a Latino student named Mello who he though that at first he actually didn't care about his advice but was wrong because Mello actually picked up on his grades and did pretty good. Mello said Campos was a really good mentor and was a great example. Those were not the only people they interview, there was dozens of people. It also talks about how the Latino culture is not very important here and how because of that Latinos don't take pride of there own culture. An example given to support that statement is how Mexican-Americans fought and died in the Alamo but yet when you go to school you never hear about that. Mexicans-Americans don't have a cultural identity. There is more details about this commentary and I say you take a minute to read this and inform yourself a little more. Latinos are doing better and proving people wrong.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Would It Be A Lie?

Do you think the government would lie about twenty kids dying? A recently commentary written by John Aravosis is saying that there are people who believe that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a hoax. This article begins by stating that the government, or Jewish, have something to do with it. They're saying these groups planted the story and it is all a lie.

Aravosis does not agree with this and wants to make people see that it is wrong.
Here are some of the arguments the truthers make....
Supposedly the shooting was just a hoax, as were the 911 terrorist attacks and the Aurora Batman shooting!
This guy claims that one of the witnesses from the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is an actor and that he was also a witness from at explosion in Boston. He argues that they hire actors to be witnesses.
He also claims that everything was just an act, and that there was actually no children or parents at the scene and that the whole school was just a set full of actors. It also claims that the gun the guy used was not a rifle, but was a hand gun. I don't know why the type of gun would even matter. He still killed those innocent kids!

Another of his arguments was about a man named Gene Rosen who was supposedly just an actor and lied about how he helped six kids out of the school. One last of the many things he said was that the parents were also actors. He says that they didn't show any emotions, actually even appear to care. He argues that there have not been any videos, photos, or any evidence close to proving that this actually happened.

I agree with John Aravosis! Why would this all be a lie? Nobody wants to see pictures of little kids dead. Why would there be a video camera inside the classroom recording everything that happened?
Take a look at his article! There are some videos that are really interesting and I recommend that you watch.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Work For Us!


What's up with politicians? Why is it that as soon they get elected they to forget what they told the people they were going to do for us and our nation? It seems that in Colorado they're having some trouble with their elected politicians and the people have recalled two of them. On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, USA Today published an article titled, Politicians, you work for us: Opposing view.
They have passed a new gun control law which is opposite of what the politicians said they were going to do in office and decided to just ignore the people. One of the politicians named John Morse proposed gun legislation and suggested on national television to ignore his constituents. People started to get concerned about all of this and when they tried to talk to their representatives, they got denied and ignored again. Hundreds of people were ignored but weren't going to give up so the citizens organized a recall effort. Citizens got what they wanted and made it clear to the politicians not to forget why they elected them and what their job is.

Take a little of your time to read it and see that you can always count on the power of citizens if you disagree with your representatives. Remember they are working for you and they are obligated to listen to your opinion.