Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Everyone Is The Same

I don’t see anything wrong with two people getting married because of the same sex. Its nobodies fault that someone is gay, they can’t control their feeling. Denying people the right to get marry with the person they love because they’re the same sex is unconstitutional. People that are against same sex marriage argue that the constitution says that marriage is only between a man and a women. The constitutional doesn't say anything specific about same sex marriage.
The constitution does say that every U.S. citizen has equal rights and also in 1967 the Supreme Court recognized freedom to marry was the pursuit of happiness. The 14 amendment makes it clear on saying, no state can deny the life, liberty or property of a person without a process of a law.
People argue a lot that being gay is wrong in God’s eyes, who are they to know? God loves every one, he create every one differently and I disagree so much with people who think this way. Why involve God in to something like this? It just doesn't seem right at all. You are who you are, people are born gay and I know because one of my family members is Gay and it wasn't his fault. He was born with a nice family, he didn’t have same sex parents, he had a mom and a dad.
Denying the right to get married with the same type of sex is hurting our community, this needs to stop. This is making our country suffer by splitting up and making other people feel bad and not welcome by others. Having them be afraid of showing who they really are and taking away their rights. Gay marriage is unconstitutional and it needs to stop now.

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