Friday, November 15, 2013

Dana argues in "Who Gets To Decide?" how men are deciding what is consider better for women's reproductive rights, which is so wrong! Dana makes an awesome argument and gives great point on what she is talking about and I totally agree with her. Women should be part of that decision not men. I am a women who doesn't want a men to decide over what to do to my body. Who are they to know what I feel and what is the best for me and the reasons of why am I doing this to my body? How are men going to vote over a women's right, it doesn't make sense. She also talks about how some republicans give speeches about the issue and are so ignorant in what they say, men like this shouldn't get involve.

Dana is right about talking about how many women get raped in today's society and end up pregnant, We have no right to force them to give birth. I agree with Dana that abortion is not one great decision, and why they want to ban it. But the wrong people are making the decisions. This is a great argument and I agree with her 100%. 
The end of her argument is great and she backs up everything she says with links and great examples. She its well organized, I believe she did a great job and I feel the same way she does.

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