Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Would It Be A Lie?

Do you think the government would lie about twenty kids dying? A recently commentary written by John Aravosis is saying that there are people who believe that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a hoax. This article begins by stating that the government, or Jewish, have something to do with it. They're saying these groups planted the story and it is all a lie.

Aravosis does not agree with this and wants to make people see that it is wrong.
Here are some of the arguments the truthers make....
Supposedly the shooting was just a hoax, as were the 911 terrorist attacks and the Aurora Batman shooting!
This guy claims that one of the witnesses from the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School is an actor and that he was also a witness from at explosion in Boston. He argues that they hire actors to be witnesses.
He also claims that everything was just an act, and that there was actually no children or parents at the scene and that the whole school was just a set full of actors. It also claims that the gun the guy used was not a rifle, but was a hand gun. I don't know why the type of gun would even matter. He still killed those innocent kids!

Another of his arguments was about a man named Gene Rosen who was supposedly just an actor and lied about how he helped six kids out of the school. One last of the many things he said was that the parents were also actors. He says that they didn't show any emotions, actually even appear to care. He argues that there have not been any videos, photos, or any evidence close to proving that this actually happened.

I agree with John Aravosis! Why would this all be a lie? Nobody wants to see pictures of little kids dead. Why would there be a video camera inside the classroom recording everything that happened?
Take a look at his article! There are some videos that are really interesting and I recommend that you watch.

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