Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Work For Us!


What's up with politicians? Why is it that as soon they get elected they to forget what they told the people they were going to do for us and our nation? It seems that in Colorado they're having some trouble with their elected politicians and the people have recalled two of them. On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, USA Today published an article titled, Politicians, you work for us: Opposing view.
They have passed a new gun control law which is opposite of what the politicians said they were going to do in office and decided to just ignore the people. One of the politicians named John Morse proposed gun legislation and suggested on national television to ignore his constituents. People started to get concerned about all of this and when they tried to talk to their representatives, they got denied and ignored again. Hundreds of people were ignored but weren't going to give up so the citizens organized a recall effort. Citizens got what they wanted and made it clear to the politicians not to forget why they elected them and what their job is.

Take a little of your time to read it and see that you can always count on the power of citizens if you disagree with your representatives. Remember they are working for you and they are obligated to listen to your opinion.